About Embodied Power

A full body-mind-spirit transformation

to shed the old programing

and enjoy the life that’s truly yours.

Are you ready…

…to shed the pain that’s been keeping you stuck and begin building the life you’ve been dreaming of?

If you’re:

  • Sick and tired of being sick and tired…
  • Feeling like you’re always fighting something invisible, working too hard, and burning out…
  • Living with chronic pain, food sensitivities, autoimmune disease, repeated accidents, and/or mystery illnesses…
  • Tired of the strain your health issues are putting on your relationships (and vice versa)…
  • Burned out from trying everything you can find from Western and holistic medicine, but it still feels like something’s missing…
  • Pretty sure there’s an emotional aspect to your symptoms…
  • Equally sure your symptoms are NOT “all in your head”…
  • Convinced that your health issues are holding you back from making a bigger impact or feeling financially secure….
  • The type to ask for “this or better” when praying, journaling, or manifesting…
  • Excited about the potential for your dreams and goals to shift or expand as you heal…
  • Ready to take charge of your health and do the work to get better…
  • Aware that you’re not an island, and that you need guidance and support to make that happen…
  • Eager to dive in headfirst if you could only find the right practitioner, healing method, and/or community…

….Transcend is for you!

For over a decade, Brenda’s clients have been asking her, “what can I be doing on my own to help integrate or support the work we’re doing in sessions?”

Transcend is the answer to that question. It’s all of the big picture understanding and tools Brenda uses to help her clients get results, boiled down to the simplest, most effective tools that are easy to learn and do on your own, at home, or anywhere you go.

We made Transcend for you if:

  • You find yourself in pain, waiting for your next session, and wishing you could get more relief now
  • You find yourself needing a lot more healing that you have the budget to pay for
  • You know you’re on a long journey, and want to be prepared with all the tools to navigate the rest of your life in the best ways possible
  • You’re one of those fiercely independent do-it-yourself types who loves understand everything and have the power in your own hands
  • Or you’re interested in doing healing work yourself, either professionally or just for your loved ones

Take a stand for all of who you are

Transcend was developed to help people living with somatic trauma (trauma held and experienced in the body) stop treating their symptoms and finally address the root causes keeping them exhausted and in pain all the time.

Transcend weaves together 3 key healing journeys:

  • Embodied Health (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health)
  • Embodied Love (family, friends, romantic partnership, kids, and community)
  • Embodied Wealth (knowing your purpose, owning your value, and making good money doing what you love)

And 3 states of being:

  • Growing: get clear on what matters to you, and go out and achieve it
  • Healing: lean into deep vulnerability, face the shadow, make things work and feel good again
  • Being: just exist and be in flow

These 3 journeys and 3 states of being are often separated in our society, but it’s vital for all of them to be addressed and nourished. Our bodies, our minds, and our states of being are too interconnected to pretend that we can nourish, grow, or heal just one part of them in isolation. Healing any part of yourself will naturally help heal others – but ignoring parts of yourself that need to heal will also hold back the healing process for all the rest. When all parts of the whole are honored and attended to, the dominoes start to fall and full healing becomes possible.

Transcend was created to help you rediscover, honor, and heal every part of yourself. Are you ready?

What you can expect

We can’t promise that you’ll heal completely in a year. But we can promise that, as an active participant in Transcend, you will have seen tangible results by the end of the year, and have the tools and community to continue your healing and growth for the rest of your life in a more empowered way. If you’ve already worked with Brenda, you know some of what to expect – big shifts, new insights, and trackable results in pain levels, energy levels, etc.

You can also expect healing to be difficult. There will be weird detoxes, emotional catharsis, days when you just don’t want to get out of bed. That’s a normal part of the process. Our goal for you is more good days than bad, and our promise to you is that if you choose to go on this journey, you won’t be doing it alone. We’ve built Transcend as a community so that you will always have support available, from us and from everyone else going through this process with you.

Everyone’s situation and goals are different. You won’t get the same things out of Transcend as someone else will. But here’s what we expect everyone to get:

  • Build physical and emotional resilience
  • Experience internal love, joy, and integrity
  • Feel better in your body, emotionally and physically
  • Step into your power in a safe, loving way
  • Create financial ease and security without burning out or flaring up
  • Build nurturing relationships without sacrificing your needs and boundaries

How does that work?

At Embodied Power we work with clients who are experiencing somatic trauma related illnesses, symptoms, and injuries using Brenda’s own methodology, PATh (Primal Awaking Therapy). PATh was developed, over more than a decade of research, specifically to heal the issues and people Brenda saw getting overlooked by Western medicine.

Here are just a few of the tools PATh is based on:

  • Bodywork /self massage/stretch
  • ThetaHealing
  • Personal training – corrective exercises
  • Mindfulness/energy healing
  • Mind-body connection and relationship – learning to talk to your body
  • Shamanic healing techniques
  • Reiki
  • HBLU
  • NLP
  • Nutrition
  • Medical science

Throughout the years, Brenda’s most ambitious clients would come in with questions like, “So, I took what we did last time, and tried doing it on my own on this other issue. I think I got most of the way, but I got stuck. How do I make this work?”

We absolutely love that initiative! We want you to be empowered to do as much of your healing as you can (or want to) yourself.

Transcend is how we’re making that possible. It’s all of the big picture understanding and tools of PATh, boiled down to the simplest, most effective tools that are easy to learn and do on your own, at home, or anywhere you go.

Our vision for you in 2022 is to help you develop the tools, practices, and deep knowledge of your body that you need in order to identify where you actually need professional care, and where you can begin healing yourself rather than relying on a practitioner. Along the way, you’ll get plenty of access to Brenda – so those places where you do need support will be well taken care of!

There’s a lot involved in how you can use PATh to heal somatic trauma, and here at Embodied Power we can get REALLY geeky about it. You’ll learn a lot in Transcend! But to keep things simple for now, here are the basics:

  • Understand different parts of yourself, their needs, and how to protect and provide for them
  • Align your physical, emotional, and social needs so they work in harmony rather than battling each other
  • Identify the dysfunctional imprints (you may call these stories, programming, patterns, core wounds, etc…) you were taught as a child and learn how to shed them

What does the journey look like?

Transcend is designed to honor the arc that healing processes follow, with four distinct stages:

Set Your Foundations

  • Understand why you’ve been stuck & what you need to get unstuck
  • Figure out where you’re going and what your goals are
  • Learn basic healing tools to be able to work through pain
  • Get some traction and begin your healing journey

Create Your Clean Slate

  • Identify any dysfunctional imprints that aren’t serving you
  • Cut cords and deprogram those imprints
  • Get back to who you are (including knowing who you are to get back to)

Build Your New Life

  • Plan where you want to go now that things are moving smoothly
  • Begin building a life that’s truly yours
  • Learn how to maintain course when this process brings up new challenges

Plan Your Legacy

  • Gain new tools to accelerate your growth
  • Decide your next steps
  • Create a long term plan and start moving towards it

In Transcend, you will spend three months focusing on each of these stages: setting your foundations, creating your clean slate, engaging your big picture, and planning your legacy. By the end of the year you may not have resolved every problem or left behind every symptom, but you will have the tools and the confidence to identify what old programming lies behind those issues and how to heal it.

What does the program actually include?

There are three ways you can participate in Transcend, with three different levels of support:

Transcend Online

Transcend Online is for you if:

  • You’re ready to make a big change in your health, wealth, and relationships in the next 12 months
  • You’re excited about the prospect of healing with a community of like minded folks rather than in isolation
  • You crave a systemic approach to healing that combines logic and intuition, with tangible results and easy to use tools you can use yourself
  • You don’t think you’ll need much hands on support, or would prefer to work 1-on-1 with Brenda rather than attending live events

Transcend Online includes:

  • Twice weekly Transformational Healing Calls with Brenda (excluding event weeks)
  • Comprehensive online video training (content released on a weekly basis)
  • Curated Transcend community forums with team feedback and support
  • BONUS: 1-on-1 Road Map and Next Steps sessions with Brenda upon enrolling and at the end of the year
  • OPTIONAL: Live event add-ons

Transcend Immersive

Transcend Immersive is for you if:

  • You’re ready to make the biggest change possible in your health, wealth, and relationships in the next 12 months
  • You’re excited about the prospect of healing with a community of like minded folks online and in person
  • You crave a systemic approach to healing that combines logic and intuition, with tangible results and easy to use tools you can use yourself
  • Live events light you up, and you’re excited to dive deep with Brenda and other group members for a truly transformational live experience

Transcend Immersive includes:

  • Four 3-day live transformational healing events in the mountains
  • Twice weekly Transformational Healing Calls with Brenda (excluding event weeks)
  • Comprehensive online video training (content released on a weekly basis)
  • Curated Transcend community forums with team feedback and support
  • BONUS: Four 90-minute 1-on-1 healing sessions with Brenda (remote or in person)
  • BONUS: 1-on-1 Road Map and Next Steps sessions with Brenda upon enrolling and at the end of the year

Learn more about the Immersive Retreats here.
Transcend Immersive + PATh Practitioner Training

Transcend Immersive + PATh Practitioner Training is for you if:

  • You’re an experienced healer/practitioner who knows the PATh methodology would make a huge difference for you and your clients
  • You’re a beginning healer starting your practice or looking for a modality to train in
  • You feel a call to heal others, professionally or otherwise, and resonate with PATh
  • You love the idea of offering clients and loved ones tangible results and easy to use tools
  • You’re excited about the prospect of learning and healing with a community of like minded folks online and in person
  • You’re ready to step into a new paradigm, and are a big gut yes to diving deep this year to change your life and others
  • You want to accelerate your journey by taking both Transcend Immersive and PATh Practitioner Training this year instead of over two seperate years

Sound good? Click here to learn more about PATh Practitioner Training!

Program Schedule

Quarter 1: Set Your Foundations

Month 1 – Health Foundations

  • Understand what life is really meant to be, why you’re here, and what drives you
  • Find your underlying issues and start to work on your #1 biggest challenge
  • Learn Body Activation exercises to begin opening up what’s stuck and painful

Month 2 – Love Foundations

  • Identify the imprints you’re currently operating from in relationships
  • Understand and start to reset your Relational Blueprints
  • Learn how to safely navigate boundaries with integrity – your own and others’

Month 3 – Wealth Foundations

  • Rediscover your innate gifts
  • Begin to release overwhelm and burnout
  • Create a solid understanding of what you are meant to do in the world

Quarter 1 Immersive Retreat:

  • Live body activation with support from Brenda
  • Reset relational blueprints that have kept you stuck in toxic dynamics
  • Explore how to use your innate gifts to create purpose and fulfillment in your life

Quarter 2: Create Your Clean Slate

Month 4 – Health Clean Slate

  • Learn tools and methods for Physical and Energy Body Release
  • Tap into your intuition to get clear on what tools your body needs and when
  • Begin detoxing heavy metals, solvents, and more

Month 5 – Love Clean Slate

  • Cut cords keeping you tied to toxic people/situations
  • Activate your genetic purpose
  • Clear family Karma and generational patterns

Month 6 – Wealth Clean Slate

  • Clear money blocks and related blocks around time, self-worth, etc
  • Repattern or shed imprints around money and productivity that are keeping you in burnout
  • Move beyond workplace and home dynamics of oppression and submission

Quarter 2 Immersive Retreat:

  • Release and detox physical and energetic pain, patterns, and pollution
  • Clear Karmic, generational, and past life patterns tying you to agreements you didn’t make
  • Explore and reset your energetic relationships with money, wealth, career, and work

Quarter 3: Build Your New Life

Month 7 – Health New Life

  • Reset your hormones and metabolism
  • Tune into your organs and their functions to better support your health
  • Activate your meridian and natural energy channels

Month 8 – Love New Life

  • Differentiate between real conflict and projection
  • Step into owning your own stuff in real-time
  • Figure out your right people and start building co-evolving relationships

Month 9 – Wealth New Life

  • Plan your life path and/or business model (including support w/ sales and program design for those who need it)
  • Learn to renegotiate and realign co-productive relationships to best serve everyone involved
  • Embody a deep sense of what equal exchange of value feels like and make it your norm

Quarter 3 Immersive Retreat:

  • Reset your hormonal, metabolism, and organ functions so all three systems are working properly
  • Repattern your relational blueprints to support healthy, co-evolving relationships
  • Create a deep body sense of equity, integrity, and equal exchange of value to guide your life and business decision

Quarter 4: Plan Your Legacy

Month 10 – Health Legacy

  • Advance your knowledge of your body and specific patterns and symptoms that matter to you
  • Tailor your food, supplements, exercise, and lifestyle to your own body’s needs
  • Feel absolutely confident that you have the tools and support to address any new health issue that might arise

Month 11 – Love Legacy

  • Step into leadership with integrity so you and everyone around you can feel safe and supported
  • Learn to hold space for others to support their healing journeys
  • Enjoy long-term, healthy, intimate relationships with your most special people

Month 12 – Wealth Legacy

  • Deeply embody who you truly are and what you are meant to do in the world
  • Begin to implement whatever is next for your life, business, and/or career
  • Settle into a deep sense of confidence that you and your loved ones will be supported and secure

Quarter 4 Immersive Retreat:

  • Get live support from Brenda on any physical or energetic dissonance you still need support around
  • Practice holding space and have space held for you as you deepen your skills in healing and leadership
  • Finalize your long term plan and get support moving into the next phase of your journey

We’re holding a vision for you

We made Transcend for you.

It’s time to move past chronic health issues and mystery symptoms. But if you’re anything like us, you might not even know what you want anymore other than to just stop being sick and sad and tired and in pain all the time. That’s ok. We’ve been there too.

We designed Transcend to help you feel better as quickly as possible so you can figure out what you actually want and begin moving towards it. Once you get some initial relief you’ll be able to choose what your priorities are, and where you want to focus your attention first as you continue your healing journey.

Even if you’re not sure yet what exactly you want to get out of Transcend beyond healing and relief from symptoms, we’re holding a bigger vision for you, one that honors every part of yourself, even the parts you’ve been hiding or don’t know yet. We’re holding a vision for full healing. We’re holding a vision for you to transcend.

We don’t know yet what exactly that will look like for you, but we’re excited to find out.

What Does It Cost?

We’re offering special Founding Member pricing for everyone who joins us now (through March 31st, 2022) as a thank you for being a part of Embodied Power and supporting us as we grow! We’re also offering a 10% discount for every purchase made before February 28th, 2022. Anything purchased with full pay will be 10% off the total program price. For payment plans, any payments made before that February 28th cutoff will be 10% off.

Below is information on pricing for each of the three levels.

Transcend Online

Transcend Online includes:

  • Twice weekly Transformational Healing Calls with Brenda (excluding event weeks)
  • Comprehensive online video training (content released on a weekly basis)
  • Curated Transcend community forums with team feedback and support
  • BONUS: 1-on-1 Road Map and Next Steps sessions with Brenda upon enrolling and at the end of the year

Transcend Online Investment:
Full Price: $3,000 or 12 payments of $300
Founding Member Price: $1,500 or 12 payments of $150
With 10% off before February 28th, you pay: $1,350 or 1 payment of $135 + 11 payments of $150

 Optional Live Healing Retreat Add-On:
Full Price: $2,000 per event
Founding Member Price: $1,400 or 3 payments of $500
With 10% off before February 28th, you pay: $1260 or 1 payment of $450 + 2 payments of $500
Transcend Immersive
Transcend Immersive includes:

  • Four 3-day live transformational healing events in the mountains
  • Twice weekly Transformational Healing Calls with Brenda (excluding event weeks)
  • Comprehensive online video training (content released on a weekly basis)
  • Curated Transcend community forums with team feedback and support
  • BONUS: Four 90-minute 1-on-1 healing sessions with Brenda (remote or in person)
  • BONUS: 1-on-1 Road Map and Next Steps sessions with Brenda upon enrolling and at the end of the year

Transcend Immersive Investment:
Full Price: $8,000 or 12 payments of $800
Founding Member Price: $5,000 or 12 payments of $500

With 10% off before February 28th, you pay: $4,500 or 1 payment of $450 + 11 payments of $500

Transcend Immersive + PATh Practitioner Training

Click here for full details about PATh Practitioner Training, including investment.

Enroll Now!

Commonly Asked Questions

What’s the deal with Founding Member pricing?

Because we’re creating the training modules as we go this year and releasing them week by week, anyone who enrolls as a Founding Member is getting a huge discount as a thank you from Brenda for helping make Transcend happen.

The Founding Member discount is only available if you enroll by March 31st, 2022. This discount will not be offered in the future, or if you leave the program and re-enroll later.

As long as you remain a member, you will get to keep your founding discount in perpetuity.

How do the Immersive Retreats work?

The Transcend Immersive Retreats are experiential healing events drawing on the PATh tools taught in the Transcend Online content. They do not have structured teaching, so you will not lose out on learning any important tools or methodologies if you do not attend.

Instead, their goal is to help you dive deep and accelerate your healing, in community, with live support from Brenda.

  • Experience a deep reset in a safe, healing container far from home in the heart of nature
  • Get the benefits of in-person support from Brenda, for much less than the cost of private sessions
  • Connect deeply with community, make life-long friends, and create deep social-emotional healing

Click here to get all the details about the Immersive Retreats.

What exactly are the Transformation calls?

These calls are a space for you and other participants to bring your questions, learn more about Transcend content and tools, and get laser coaching and remote healing from Brenda. 

They will be a powerful healing tool, and we encourage you to attend and/or listen to the recordings even if you don’t have something specific you want healed on any given week. Because this is a group container, it’s likely people will bring in topics everybody can benefit from, and Brenda will be healing patterns brought to these calls in the entire group rather than just the individual who originally raised their hand.

When will the calls be? How long are they? What if I can’t make it?

Transcend Transformational Calls will be held twice weekly: on Mondays 12pm-2pm PST, and on another day/time that will be determined based on group availability.

These calls are not mandatory, and will be recorded so that you can catch up on what you missed and/or listen to them again.

We encourage you to show up as much as you’re able, even if you’re late or have to leave early. We also highly recommend doing your best to be present and focused during the Transformation calls so you can benefit fully from the deep healing container.

What if you’re having a rough day? Even better! Bring your challenges to the call, and let us support you. Even if you don’t feel like you can show up the way you’d like to, showing up vulnerable and honest in your struggle is an amazing part of the healing journey, and you’ll be leading by example! Let us hold you and love you.

What’s the Membership Discussion Forum?

Transcend membership at all levels includes access to an online members only discussion forum. This will be a place for you to get to know your fellow students, ask questions, get support, and discuss the training materials. We encourage you to make use of this resource, as working through the materials in community will help you create connections, gain insights, and make breakthroughs that you might not achieve in isolation.

What is the video training and why is it awesome?

Over the course of the year, Brenda will be releasing video content covering the core concepts of PATh self-healing so you can begin healing from somatic trauma and all the ways it has affected you and your body.

This content will range from exercises and supplements to help you heal common physical issues (such as knee or ankle weakness, low back pain and sciatica, or carpal tunnel), to energy healing methods to release family patterns and repattern blueprints, to methods for detoxing and supporting your body’s innate abilities to heal so you can finally move past chronic issues (such as insomnia, chronic pain and fatigue, and food sensitivities).

Can I sign up if I haven’t already been working with you?

Absolutely! The Bonus Roadmap Session is designed for Brenda to get familiar with your specific health and life situations and help orient you to the program, the PATh methodology, and Brenda’s work as a whole. While this first run of Transcend is expected to be mostly comprised of Brenda’s existing clients, the program is being designed to be accessible to anyone. You won’t have a problem getting the full benefit of the program if you’ve never worked with Brenda before.

Why all 3 journeys together? Can I just take the Embodied Health portion?

Brenda originally planned for each journey – Embodied Health, Embodied Love, and Embodied Wealth – to be its own seperate training program with its own seperate events. However, during content planning it became obvious that all three are too closely interconnected to seperate them in that manner. You cannot heal your body without also healing your relationships, for example, or your relationship with money without finding the ways in which your body has been holding that relationship as physical discomfort. This is why we’ve created the program to work with all three journeys at each stage of the healing process, and why we cannot and will not be offering them seperately.

Why is this a group program? Wouldn’t I be better off working with you 1-on-1?

You can absolutely just book 1-on-1 with Brenda if you want, with or without enrolling in Transcend! However, this program was designed to offer you healing at an accelerated rate and at a lower price point than you would get from working with Brenda 1-on-1 on everything included in this program. If you’re serious about healing and money isn’t an issue, we still recommend that you enroll in Transcend as well as booking as many 1-on-1 appointments and/or VIP days with Brenda as you’d like.

As a general guideline:

  • If you need a lot of structural bodywork (musculoskeletal work), then 1-on-1 sessions may be best for you.
  • If a large part of what you need is energetic, mental, emotional, social, and/or spiritual growth and transformation, or you have a desire to connect with other amazing people on a similar journey to grow together, then Transcend is perfect for you!
  • If you’re looking to become more empowered in understanding and managing your own health, and doing more self-healing work on yourself to accelerate your growth, but otherwise happy with your routine and social support system, then you may prefer the Transcend Video Resource Library without the Membership.

What if I haven’t experienced any trauma, but otherwise this sounds like a great fit? Can I still sign up?

Absolutely! We also invite you to reconsider your definition of trauma. Even if you haven’t had any huge traumatic life events occur, you probably experienced some extraordinarily normal childhood events that registered as trauma in your body – getting scared by a dog, getting yelled at by a teacher, getting picked last for volleyball. While we might not define those as traumatic events, if your body integrated protective mechanisms based on those they may still be affecting how you engage in the world.

Many people who engage in this work also begin to recognize experiences that have been normalized by society as actually being experienced by the body as a trauma. (A good example is people in Northern California, where fire season evacuations have shifted from being considered traumatic to being a “normal” yearly ocurrence.)

Either way, if you resonate with the description at the top of this page and think this program would help, Transcend is for you.

If PATh & Transcend are focused on healing trauma, how do they address systemic inequity, oppression, and bigotry?

First off, all of us at Embodied Power acknowledge the realities of systemic inequity, oppression, and bigotry. We understand that privilege and oppression are intersectional, and that everybody has a unique relationship with the forces currently at work in our world. While we stress the importance of everybody taking responsibility for their health (as opposed to leaving it in the hands of a dysfunctional medical system), we are cognizant that personal health is often the result of various economic, ecological, social, cultural, and political forces.

We believe that the personal is political. We believe that the more people heal from trauma and begin operating from integrity, as their true selves, the more the world as a whole will heal. We believe that healing is an essential step for any of us to step up and do the work we are called to do, and that social justice requires self-healing as an essential first step to healing the collective.

We won’t tell you that enough “enlightenment” will make systemic inequality disappear from your life. The reality is, our world needs a lot of healing. There’s no amount of “being happy” or “achieving good things” that will create a magic band-aid for the world and fix everything. Our world is painful. We can’t make that go away immediately.

It sucks. It’s not your fault, and there’s no easy way out. But we believe that over time, with lots of hard work, we can make a big difference. What we have the opportunity to do right now is create a difference for the future from a healthy, empowered foundation while still living a rich and fulfilling life with other people who want – and are ready for – the same thing.

As we do this work, we all have 2 primary things we can control:

1. How we show up in and respond to whatever environment we’re in.
2. How we choose what environments to be in in the first place.

Showing up:

  • You CAN’T get your needs met in an abusive environment, no matter how you show up.
  • You CAN manage yourself in challenging circumstances in ways that help you hurt less. And you CAN learn how to show up successfully in good environments – how to give in ways that other people who want to be whole need from you. And how to receive the kinds of love you never got.


  • You CAN’T control your birth family. Your country of citizenship. The unique bag of imprints that were handed down to you. You can’t control that capitalism and greed have taken over most of the world and are doing great damage to it. You can’t control racism, sexism, or all the other screwed up things that other people do that have amassed a great following and power.
  • You CAN create bubbles of safety within those systems, by surrounding yourself with people (chosen family, friends, job, community, etc) that have their own power. You CAN learn how to choose the people and situations that respect you and support you.

In Transcend, we’ll help you get the right blueprints for all the things you CAN do, and find a way to mitigate or navigate away from as much as possible the things you can’t change. Along the way, you’ll likely find you want to make a positive difference for others – by helping them do the same, or by working to change the bigger systems long term to create a better future for the people who come after you. We’ll talk about how you can do that, too.

Will PATh help people with actual diagnoses for musculoskeletal conditions, auto-immune diseases, congenital defects, chronic degenerative conditions, etc?

While we do not diagnose or cure any diseases, the tools and community of Transcend are designed to give you the education and tools to support your body’s self-healing and address many of the emotional components of disease that are not addressed by most medical establishments.

You will likely see some improvement in your symptoms from your self-healing work. You may also still have the condition, but experience improvement in your quality of life and greater ease of symptom management. And in some cases your symptoms may improve to the point where medical tests may confirm you no longer fit the criteria for your diagnosed condition. There is no way to say in advance which may be the case for you.

When the issue is created or exacerbated by functional issues, aka what your body is doing (posture, muscle tension, pinched nerves, mind-body connection, energetic or emotional patterns), then it’s very likely you can restore most or all of your normal health with these tools alone.

In the case of structural issues (congenital defects, genetic abnormalities, or where there has been extensive tissue damage from disease or injury), we aren’t in the business of putting back something that isn’t there. However, we have many tools that can help teach your body to work better with what it has, and often minimize symptoms and restore quality of life, partially or even fully.

We believe in a combination of quality holistic and medical professionals. We believe you should have a medical doctor you trust. If you don’t, we know some good ones and can help you find one. When it doubt, always double-check with your doctor.

If you do have a diagnosed condition, we recommend you continue to work with a trusted doctor to treat it medically while working to improve your situation with self-healing and holistic work.

Note: If you have a medical issues that I believe may require tools beyond my scope, I will recommend working with a doctor on it. If you choose not to, and only want holistic care, I will generally work with you the best I can with the tools you want. However, if I believe it may be harmful to one or both of us to work together without the support of a licensed professional I reserve the right to refuse service.

Doesn’t all this “take charge of your own health” crap imply that it’s my fault I’m (still) sick?

“We are all doing the best we can with the tools that we have.” – NLP Saying (neurolinguistic programming)

It’s not your fault you’re sick. You’ve been doing the best you can. You’ve just been missing some of the right tools.

The truth is, most people who find this work are on this path because they inherited more than their fair share of ick. From parents, other family members, churches, school, society, and other sources. It’s like the saying “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” What was given to you, is not the same as who you are. The bigger the difference between what was given to you and who you’re actually meant to be, the more likely you are to experience trauma, pain, disease, and challenges in your relationships.

The fact that you’re even here searching for something better says amazing things about who you are. And no, it’s not your personal responsibility to clean up other people’s (especially your family’s) messes, fix generations of trauma, and make things better for everyone else around you. It’s definitely not your responsibility (and really not even possible) to change other people who don’t want to.

But this is your opportunity to roll as far away from that tree as you want. To take what was given to you, and create something better.

There was a time in history where what we born into determined our potential in life. Social and financial upward mobility, access to healing tools, even choice over our own spiritual beliefs, or who we married or were friends with, was determined for us by birth. We’re in an age now where we don’t have to just be grateful for what we were given and make the best of it.

Transcend is a compilation of tools created to help you search out and rewrite the programming you were given so you can be who you really are, and apply that in your life to create the relationships, the creative path, and material well-being that fit who you are. It offers you the chance to take control, power, and – yes – responsibility over your healing journey: not to indicate that it’s your fault you’ve been ill, but to empower you as you work to get better

What if I end up unable to complete the year, or decide I don’t want to? What is your cancellation policy?

If at any time you end up feeling that Transcend is not the right fit for you, or you’re experiencing external difficulties, just let us know. We’ll do everything in our power to help you get what you need.

If it’s just not a fit, there is no cancellation fee. However, because we offer a bundle discount for the program as a whole, if you decide not to finish the program you will no longer be eligible for that discount and will need to pay full price for anything you’ve used so far.

You’d owe the full price for each item you’ve used (monthly fee + events + bonuses).
If that’s more than you’ve paid so far, and you chose full pay, you will not get a refund. If that’s more than you paid so far and you chose monthly payments, you may owe use the difference. If you’ve paid more than you’ve used, we’ll refund the difference.

Here are a few other things to consider:

  • Pause: If you cannot continue at the moment to due extenuating circumstances, but don’t actually want to cancel your membership, you can put it on pause for up to 12 months.
  • Client Resource Library: If you cancel your Transcend membership but were still a private client before 12/31/21, you keep the Founding Members Client Resource Library.
  • Founding Discount: If you cancel your membership, you will not be eligible for founding pricing if you sign up again in the future. If you want to retain your founding member discount in perpetuity, please consider pausing your membership rather than cancelling it.

What makes you or your program different from everything else I’ve tried?

We get it. There’s a lot out there that’s of poor quality, or even intentionally designed for the teacher/practitioner’s financial gain more than your healing.

And, even among the honest, committed, and good quality programs, there is no one-size fits all for complex health and life conditions.

Most complex issues, especially those involving somatic trauma, include pieces that lie in the cracks between musculoskeletal health, neurology, endocrinology, immunology, environmental toxicity, energy medicine, psychology, sociology, spirituality, nutrition, exercise science, and many other fields of study that are considered unrelated by most. No one specialist – in any Western or holistic discipline – may have all the answers you need.

Complex issues require a whole-systems approach. This is different from the approach of most “holistic” practitioners, in that most holistic practitioners are using one or more tools that look at the whole, and not just the parts. However, a whole-systems approach requires integrating the big-picture view with a deep understanding of the details, and how they all fit together, across all the different layers of the system.

Our specialty is filling in those missing gaps between the pieces that are already publicly available. We use a combination of intuition and medical science, to help you clearly understand what’s happening and resolve it in the most efficient way possible.

A personal message from Brenda:

When I started out as a personal trainer and massage therapist, I was seeing clients who were doing “all the right things.” And I was doing “all the right things” to help them in our sessions. Yet, some would heal, and others would not.

The part of me that wanted to help them, and wanted to be good at my job, was infuriated. I’d been trained in these tools that were supposed to help people, yet so many people I used them with clearly needed something more that was not even talked about in any of my training.

Transcend and the PATh healing system were designed for exactly that reason.

I went searching for the missing tools. Many of these tools are part of chiropractic, Reiki, Chinese Medicine, Physical Therapy, and other medical or holistic training. But you have to know which of their tools you need and when. Many of them were developed by or passed down through brilliant yet closeted masters, working their magic in a tiny hole-in-the-wall establishment that only a few hundred people may know about, with no way to serve people beyond those they can touch with their own hands. I’ve been able to collect and organize a set of tools, to understand much more clearly what you need, and when you need it. And reverse-engineer many things from the holistic world to make sense through the lens of medical science, so we can have a clear, dependable, and universal way to talk about and use these tools effectively.

Over more than a decade, every time I’ve encountered something in myself, a client, or a loved one that I didn’t yet have the tools to handle I’ve searched for the missing pieces. I can’t guarantee that all of the tools you need are in this program. But I can say for sure that every week new clients come to my door who have been searching and trying their best for years, and we are able to get further together than they have been able to get with anyone else.

I want to believe this would help me, but I’m still not sure. Can I talk to you?
Absolutely! We want to help you make sure you have all the information you need to make a decision.
Schedule a call with Brenda by clicking here.
Don’t see your question here? Check the PATh Practitioner Training and Immersive Retreat pages, or sign up for a call with Brenda to learn more!